It's almost time for finals! The Rasmussen College - Rockford, IL Librarian, Jon Mladic, shares some great studying tips that use memory tricks. Check out the "do's" and "don'ts" here:
- Use study guides and study buddies
- Read and review your course material
- Allow plenty of time to study
- Study when well-rested
- Study in a quiet and comfortable environment
- Make sure there is light where you are studying
- Wait until the last minute
- Study on the bus or in a car
- Cram
- Study when tired
- Study in a noisy environment
*Remember: All habits can be formed or broken.
Long-term Memory
Memory in which associations among items are stored long term. Here are some tips for shifting information from short to long-term memory:
- Repetition of information (write or listen to the information over and over)
- Group information
- Forget less important information and try to remember the most recent things
Short-term Memory
Short-term memory stores information for only around 20 to 30 seconds and can be recalled easily. Other things include:
- Notes the teacher writes down and you try to remember without studying
- Things that you are told to do before class
The Processing Theory
- Maintenance rehearsal: Process information shallowly so we can use it for a short time and forget it
- Elaborative Rehearsal: Make the information meaningful and rehearse it until the information is right at your fingertips at any given point; requires writing the material down, organizing the material, or personalizing it